Can You Have Savings And Get Medicaid


How Medicaid Works With Other Coverage

How much income can you have and STILL qualify for Medicaid?

You may still qualify for Medicaid even if you have other health insurance coverage, and coordination of benefits rules decide who pays your bill first. In this case, your private insurance, whether through Medicare or employer-sponsored, will be the primary payer and pays your health care provider first. Medicaid comes in as second insurance to settle what your private insurance doesnt pay, up to its limit.

If you have both Medicaid and private health insurance, you should show both your private health insurance card and Medicaid card to your medical provider every time you receive services.

A health-service provider who accepts both your Medicaid and private insurance card wont bill you for copayments or deductibles.

Any money received from an insurance company or as compensation for a medical care lawsuit must be used to pay the health provider. If Medicaid already has covered the cost of care, you must make a refund to Medicaid. If your private insurance is through an employer-sponsored plan, you may be an eligible candidate for the Health Insurance Premium Payment program. HIPP is a voluntary program that may pay your insurance premium as long as you or a family member qualifies for Medicaid coverage.

If your service provider wont take your Medicaid and private insurance card, your insurance company may help you locate a doctor in its provider network.

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I inherited $82,000 in December 2015 will I still be eligible for Obama care and do they consider that income ? And ,or will they raise my premiums?

It depends on the exact tax implications, generally yes and this will throw off your credits and cause you to have to repay them. Not a fun answer to give, but here are the details:

Regarding inheritance: We hope to sell my deceased mothers house next year and most likely there will be a capital loss on the cost basis.

Here is my question:Presently, I receive Premium Tax Credits based on a modest income. My concern is that when IRS sees the sale itself, regardless of capital loss, then it will assume I received extra income that year from the sale, causing the IRS to see I will exceed 400% of the Federal Poverty Line limit then I will need to pay back 100% of the Premium Tax Credits I might receive in that year which would be very costly.

This is not a loss I can afford to take, since the $ amount we will receive is not significant. I can find no information on any site regarding this. If I exceed 400% of the threshold then perhaps I am better off finding private insurance in that year.

Any advice is welcome.

So the only thing is to be aware of what your net gain/loss will be and act accordingly.

So I suppose this does not apply to me.

Medicare Faqs And Information To Consider

Automatic Enrollment:

If you are already receiving Social Security benefits, Railroad Retirement benefits, or Federal Retiree benefits, your enrollment in Medicare is automatic. Your Medicare card should arrive in the mail shortly before your 65th birthday. Check the card when you receive it to verify that you are entitled to both Medicare Parts A and B.

Initial Enrollment Period:

If you are not eligible for Automatic Enrollment, contact the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213 or enroll online at, or visit the nearest Social Security office to enroll in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. You have a seven month window in which to enroll in Medicare without incurring a penalty. If youre not automatically enrolled in premium-free Part A, you can sign up for it once your Initial Enrollment Period starts. Your Part A coverage will start six months back from the date you apply for Medicare, but no earlier than the first month you were eligible for Medicare. However, you can only sign up for Part B during the times listed below.

General Enrollment Period:

  • General Enrollment Period for Medicare Parts A & B

If you have coverage through a current employer, you are not required to enroll in Medicare Part A and B. Below are some things to keep in mind about each part of Medicare.

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Q If I Have Private Health Insurance Can I Be Eligible For Medicaid

A. It depends. If your income is low, and you have minor children, you and your children can have private health insurance and still be eligible for Medicaid. Certain Medicaid qualifying programs require that you not have any other health insurance in order for you to get Medicaid. If you have both private health insurance and Medicaid, you should show both your Medicaid card and your private health insurance card to your medical provider each time you receive services.

Medicaid Prescription Drug Costs

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Technically, prescription drug coverage is an optional federal Medicaid benefit. Since Medicaid is a state-based program, all states determine their own prescription drug coverage. Currently, all U.S. states provide outpatient prescription drug coverage to eligible Medicaid beneficiaries. Depending on your state, you will receive either free or heavily discounted prescription drugs when receiving Medicaid benefits.

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Q Can I Have Both Medicaid And Medicare At The Same Time

A. It depends. If you receive Supplemental Security Income from the Social Security Administration, you are automatically eligible for Medicaid and often receive Medicare as well. If you receive both Medicaid and Medicare, Medicaid will pay your Medicare premium, co-payments and deductibles. If you have both Medicare and Medicaid, you should show both cards to your medical care provider each time you receive services. Resources for Those Who Have Medicare and Full-Benefit Medicaid

What Does Medicaid Cover For Seniors

Medicaid provides essential care for 7 million seniors. Medicaid covers nursing home care and other long-term services and supports, as well as other medical care and supportive services that Medicare doesnt cover, which help many low-income seniors and people with disabilities stay independent and healthy.

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Understanding Obamacare: Do I Qualify For Medicaid If I Have $60000 In The Bank And A 401k Plan


Syracuse, N.Y. — I’m still answering readers’ questions about Obamacare and the New York health insurance exchange.

Here’s another one:

My husband has been unemployed for 16 months. He has been trying to launch a business. I work part time. Our total income for 2013 was $28,000. I applied for Medicaid through the state health insurance exchange website and am waiting for a Medicaid representative to contact me. The Medicaid website application did not request asset information. We have about $60,000 in savings from an inheritance, which we are spending down at $7,000 a month. We only have about eight months before we are completely out of money. We also have about $250,000 in a 401K. We own one car and have no college savings for our 16- and 14-year-old children. Are we likely to qualify for Medicaid? Right now, we are paying $1758 a month for private health insurance.– Carolyn

You should be eligible for Medicaid, even though you have some savings, according to Sara Wall Bollinger of HealtheConnections. Her Syracuse agency employs navigators who help people enroll in health plans through the state exchange.

You can qualify for Medicaid in New York if you earn up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level. That’s about $15,800 for a single person or $32,500 for a family of four.

Medicaid does not look at an applicant’s savings and other financial resources unless the person is 65 or older or disabled.

Sign Up: Within 8 Months After You Or Your Spouse Stop Working

How to protect your home and life savings | Medicaid Trust (MAPT)
  • Most people dont have to pay a premium for Part A . So, you may want to sign up for Part A when you turn 65, even if you or your spouse are still working.
  • Youll pay a monthly premium for Part B , so you may want to wait to sign up for Part B.

Avoid the penalty & gap in coverageIf you miss this 8-month Special Enrollment Period, youll have to wait to sign up and go months without coverage. You might also pay a monthly penalty for as long as you have Part B. The penalty goes up the longer you wait to sign up. How much is the Part B late enrollment penalty?

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Qualifying For Different Types Of Coverage

Medicare is a federal insurance program that helps pay medical bills from a fund to which users have contributed. It covers people 65 and older, people younger than 65 with certain disabilities and patients with end-stage kidney disease and other conditions requiring dialysis. Participants usually pay part of the cost.

Medicaid is an assistance program provided jointly by federal and state agencies. It helps with medical expenses for eligible people with limited income and resources.

There are different rules for each state, but in most states, you may be eligible for Medicaid if you are under certain income levels and/or are:

  • 65 and older
  • A parent or adult caring for a child
  • An adult with dependent children
  • An eligible immigrant

Participants usually pay nothing for covered medical costs, although they may sometimes be responsible for a small copayment or cost share.

What Are The Eligibility Requirements For Medicaid In Missouri

The MO HealthNet program covers individuals who meet certain income and resource criteria including:

â Low-income families

â The elderly

â Blind/visually impaired individuals

â Disabled individuals

â Pregnant women

â Newborns and infants

â Uninsured women under the age of 65

The income criteria for eligibility is determined by poverty guidelines set forth by the federal government. Resource criteria typically apply only to the elderly, disabled, and blind individuals. For these applicants, resources such as savings and countable assets can impact eligibility for the program.

Blind and disabled individuals can qualify for Medicaid due to a âphysical or mental impairment, disease, or lossâ that prevents them from working at a job within their skill level for 1 year or longer. Anyone who qualifies for assistance through the federal Supplemental Security Income program is automatically considered eligible for the MO HealthNet program on the basis of disability.

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Do You Need Medicare Part B

Ever wonder if you really need Medicare Part B? For most people over 65 the answer is: Yes, you need to enroll in Part B and you should do so when first eligible. If you miss your Part B deadline, you could be subject to penalties. Check out our Medicare deadline Calculator here

When to enroll in Medicare Part B largely depends on whether you has qualifying job-based or retirement insurance that can act in place of Part B. If so you may be able to waive Part B due since you have credible coverage through work. If you dont have access to credible coverage from a work or spouse, it is usually recommended that you enroll in Medicare Part B when first eligible .

Even if you have retirement insurance, you may still have to enroll in Part B. Most retirement programs require it. Check with your HR team and confirm your situation. Make sure that if you waive Medicare Part B due to retirement insurance, that you are not subject to Part B penalties if you enroll later.

For those who have retirement coverage, You have 8 months to enroll in Medicare once you stop working OR your employer coverage ends . If you do not enroll in Part B within 8 months of losing your coverage based on current employment, you may have to pay a lifetime late enrollment penalty and have a gap in coverage.

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What Are The Main Differences Between Medicare And Medicaid

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Medicare is administered at the federal level and is a health insurance program. Medicaid is regulated by the federal government and administered at the state level.

Medicare has premiumsA premium is an amount that an insurance policyholder must pay for coverage. Premiums are typically paid on a monthly basis. In the federal Medicare program, there are four different types of premiums. …, deductibles, copays, and more. Medicaid assists with these costs, but you may be required to use an approved Medicaid health plan. The benefit is the plan will have very low copays and very few additional fees.

Medicare is for those aged 65 and older or those with disabilities or specific medical conditions. Medicaid is for people of any age, with or without medical conditions, so long as they meet the states economic conditions.

Medicare is not income-restricted. Medicaid has income limitations and is intended for those with low income.

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How Long Does It Take To Get Approved For Medicaid In Missouri

Under normal conditions, Medicaid applications are processed within 30 to 45 days in Missouri, but sometimes it can take up to 90 days depending on how many other people are attempting to enroll in the program at the same time. You can speed up the processing time of your application by making sure that it is complete and all of the necessary information is correct.

Elderly applicants for Medicaid may experience a processing delay in Missouri as their assets are being assessed. Assets for five years prior to the application date are reviewed to determine eligibility and this review process can create delays in the normal amount of time it takes to get approved for Medicaid coverage in Missouri.

Can I Decline Medicare Altogether

Medicare isnt exactly mandatory, but it can be complicated to decline. Late enrollment comes with penalties, and some parts of the program are optional to add, like Medicare parts C and D. Medicare parts A and B are the foundation of Medicare, though, and to decline these comes with consequences.

The Social Security Administration oversees the Medicare program and recommends signing up for Medicare when you are initially eligible, even if you dont plan to retire or use your benefits right away. The exception is when you are still participating in an employer-based health plan, in which case you can sign up for Medicare late, usually without penalty.

While you can decline Medicare altogether, Part A at the very least is premium-free for most people, and wont cost you anything if you elect not to use it. Declining your Medicare Part A and Part B benefits completely is possible, but you are required to withdraw from all of your monthly benefits to do so. This means you can no longer receive Social Security or RRB benefits and must repay anything you have already received when you withdraw from the program.

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Using Your Healthy Connections Plan

Q. What medical services does Medicaid cover? A. Within certain limits, Medicaid will pay for services that are medically necessary. Examples of services that may be covered include doctor visits, medications, hospital visits, and many other medical services.

If you have any questions about what is covered, to view a chart that shows each health plan and what they cover. You can also contact Healthy Connections toll-free at 1-888-549-0820.

Q. How long will my Medicaid benefits remain active? A. Eligibility for most Healthy Connections programs lasts for 1 year. After 1 year, South Carolina Health and Human Services will review your case annually.

Q. I was enrolled in S.C. Healthy Connections Choices and now am told I must choose between health plans. What should I do? A. The Healthy Connections Choices website offers comprehensive information on its health plans. Members may utilize a Quick Start Guide, search for doctors, compare plans, and more. Please visit S.C. Healthy Connections Choices for more information.

Q. Do I need to tell South Carolina Healthy Connections when I move or change jobs? A. Yes. If you have any changes to your income, resources, living arrangements, address or anything else that might affect your eligibility you must report these changes to Healthy Connections right away at 1-888-549-0820.

Q. What if my Medicaid card is lost or stolen? A. Report a lost or stolen card to Healthy Connections immediately at 1-888-549-0820.

Can You Get Medicaid If You Have Savings

Medicaid & Medicare Savings Programs

Medicaid is the government health insurance program for people with low income and the disabled. There used to be a limit on how much you could have in assets and still qualify for Medicaid. Medicaid does not look at an applicants savings and other financial resources unless the person is 65 or older or disabled.

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Is There An Asset Limit For Medicare

In 2021, the asset limits for full Extra Help are $9,470 for individuals and $14,960 for couples. This means that you could be eligible for an MSP with assets totaling $7,970 for individuals and $11,960 for couples. MSP limits appear lower than Extra Help limits because they do not automatically include burial funds.

Medicaid And The Asset Test

When it comes to non-MAGI Medicaid eligibility, both your income and your assets come into play. Most of the government programs that qualify you for Medicaid use an asset test. SSI sets the standard.

If your income and assets are above a certain level, you will not qualify for the program. In 2021, the income limit is set at $2,382 per month and the asset limits at $2,000 for an individual.

MAGI Medicaid does not cover everything. Your assets come into play when it comes to Long-Term Services and Supports , the part of Medicaid that pays for long-term care in a nursing home.

Not everything you own will count toward your assets. If you have too many assets, you will need to spend down before you will be eligible for Medicaid. How you spend down, however, is important, because you can be penalized for high-value gifts or transfers made within the past 60 months , aka the Medicaid look-back period.

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