Will Medicaid Pay For A Service Dog


Treatment Of A Trust Established With Zebley V Sullivan Settlement Funds

Colorado Springs girl suffering from epilepsy gets service dog donated

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission excludes a Medicaid-qualifying trust established for a minor child using a lump sum payment received in the settlement of Zebley v. Sullivan from countable resources under undue hardship provisions. Undue hardship exists because the minor child would otherwise be forced to spend the settlement funds on services now covered by Medicaid when the funds will be needed once the minor child reaches majority.

A trust established using Zebley v. Sullivan settlement funds is excluded under undue hardship policy, even when the trust is set up on or after August 11, 1993.

Other Ways To Pay For A Service Animal

Unfortunately, if you’re faced with the full $20,000-plus bill to buy and train a service animal, the cost to acquire a service animal is almost never covered by health insurance.

One bright spot is that you can generally use pre-tax money from your flexible spending account or health savings account through your health insurance, if you have one. Just know that you’ll need a letter of medical necessity to qualify.

There are also a variety of groups that provide funding for people to afford service animals, like Petco Foundation.

Ultimately, many people who can’t afford the full price of a service animal look to community fundraising like GoFundMe to pay for their service animal.

Alien Status For Treatment Of An Emergency Medical Condition

Title XIX of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR §440.255 require the state to provide Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition to an alien who is ineligible for regular Medicaid due to immigration status. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission administers the program in Texas.

To qualify for Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition, an alien must:

a qualified alien as defined in 8 U.S.C. §1641 and not meet the requirements to receive Medicaid as described in 8 U.S.C. §1612 and §1613 or

an undocumented non-qualifying alien as described in 8 U.S.C. §1611

be otherwise eligible for regular Medicaid services and

require treatment of an emergency medical condition as described in 42 CFR §440.255.

An undocumented non-qualifying alien applying for Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition is exempt from providing proof of alien status or providing a Social Security number as described in 42 CFR §435.406.

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Service Animal Accreditation Programs And Additional Resources

Just keep in mind that service animals must go through structured training. This is how they provide the type of assistance a disabled person truly needs. Assistance Dogs International is a nonprofit accreditation program that sets the standards for training service canines. On the ADI website, youll additionally find a searchable database for locating accredited training programs in your area.

How Do They Differ From Service Dogs

Will Medicaid Pay For A Service Dog?

ESAs are not to be confused with service dogs, which are trained to fulfill tasks for their owners that they are unable to accomplish due to their disabilities, such as serving as a guide dog for owners with visual impairments. ESAs are also distinct from therapy dogs, which are used to provide psychological healing to a community of patients rather than one specific owner.

While ESAs do not require any kind of specific training according to the law, they are a protected category of assistance animals with certain rights, and they are a valuable asset for people living with disabilities.

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What Types Of Dogs Does Paws Use

PAWS Service Dogs, Seizure Response Dogs and Service Dogs for Children with Autism are primarily Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers and crosses of the two breeds. PAWS Hearing Dogs may be Retrievers or small breed dogs. Occasionally, PAWS has Poodles or Poodle mixes reserved for clients in need of a hypo-allergenic dog. All dogs must pass specialized health and temperament screenings to be accepted into training.

What Makes You Eligible For A Service Dog

The Americans with Disabilities Act defines a service dog as any dog that is individually trained to perform specific tasks to help someone with a disability. To be eligible for one, you must have a physical or mental impairment that significantly limits one or more major life activities, such as eating, speaking, walking or performing manual tasks.

Qualifying for a service dog is as simple as getting written documentation from your health care provider. This needs to state that you have a condition thats being treated, and that a service animal can help you. When you get a dog, it must be trained to do work that specifically relates to your condition. If you think a service dog can help you, you should start by talking to a healthcare professional.

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How Long Is The Application Process

From the time an application is received to the completion of the in-home Needs Assessment can be as long as 24 months. If a client is accepted into the program after the Needs Assessment, they will go into the pool of all clients waiting to be paired with a PAWS Dog. For all clients in the waiting pool, the search to find an appropriate dog begins right away. However, depending on the individual needs of the client, and the individual qualities of the dogs in training available, it may take another 1-4 years to find the right match.

Instructions For Processing The Program Transfer

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  • After reviewing the case, if the person is eligible for a waiver and is already an institutional or CAS MEPD Medicaid recipient, process a program transfer directly to ME Waivers. The QMB or SLMB coverage must be continued if the person continues to meet the QMB/SLMB eligibility criteria.
  • When a program transfer for a noninstitutional MEPD Medicaid recipient is processed to ME Waiver and waiver services have been authorized/received before the program transfer effective date, request a force change to ensure retroactive coverage of the waiver services.
  • See Appendix XLV, Program Transfer with Form H1200 Guide, to determine if a Form H1200 is needed. Verify resources and income including transfer of resources and substantial home equity. If there is a community spouse, verify all income and resources and treat according to spousal policy.

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Service Dogs Vs Emotional Support Dogs

Service dogs differ from emotional support dogs in that a service dog is trained to perform a job that their owner cannot. Service dogs are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act, Fair Housing Act and Air Carrier Access Act.

An emotional support dog is a comfort animal that provides therapeutic benefits. Support animals do not have to be specifically trained. Emotional support dogs are protected under the Fair Housing Act and ACA Act but are not protected under the ADA Act.

Does Medicaid Pay For Pets

    2022-1-13·The costs of pet care can certainly add up. Although Medicaid does not pay for your pet, there are options to save money on their care and well-being. Here are some tips that may help: Look for Low-Cost Routine Care. Your local shelter, rescue group, or animal welfare association may offer low-cost sterilization procedures, such as spaying and …

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Does Standard Human Health Insurance Cover The Cost Of Esas

So now that we understand the different categories of assistance animals and what they do, lets return to the topic at hand. Will your insurance policy cover all of or even a fraction of the exorbitant costs that need to be paid to obtain and care for an emotional support animal?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not inspiring. No insurance company, whether privately owned or operated at the state or federal level, will cover the cost of obtaining, feeding, and providing veterinary care to an assistance animal, whether they are an ESA, a service dog, or a therapy dog.

While your insurance policy may help you with a lot of other costs relating to your health and well-being, any costs relating to your assistance animal, such as adoption fees, food, veterinary bills, and training fees, will have to be paid out of pocket.

This is probably not the answer you had hoped to hear when searching for ways to fund an ESA. However, rest assured that all hope is not lost. There are other avenues outside of just insurance coverage that can be used to obtain financial assistance with ESA adoption.

Lets examine a few of these options below.

Spouse Of Veteran/active Duty Member

Does Medicaid Pay for Pets

Eligibility as a spouse of a veteran or active duty member of the armed forces ends with the month after the month any of the following occur:

  • Remarriage after the veteran’s or service member’s death.
  • Divorce or annulment of the marriage.
  • A determination that a marital relationship does not exist.
  • The active duty member separates from the armed forces with a discharge that is not characterized as honorable or that is based on alien status.

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Cost Of Service Animals

A service animal can be very expensive. After vigorous, individually focused training, the service animal can cost as much as $15,000-$30,000. While this may sound unattainable, beneficiaries may qualify for benefits from the Social Security Administration paid through Social Security Disability Insurance and/or Supplemental Security Income .

Medicare does not cover the costs of obtaining, feeding or providing veterinary care for service animals. However, disability benefits can provide consistent monthly income that helps lower the overall costs. Additionally, some nonprofit organizations raise, train and offer service animals for reduced costs or even free of charge.

Texas Works Medicaid To Mepd

If an active Texas Works Medicaid recipient enters a facility for a long-term stay, TIERS receives the nursing facility admission information from the DADS webservice interface. TIERS automatically denies the Texas Works Eligibility Determination Group and creates a pending ME-Nursing Facility EDG. An H1200 Application for Assistance – Your Texas Benefits must be received before testing for ME-Nursing Facility Medicaid. Disposition of both EDGs must be coordinated. There is no need for retroactive coverage code changes. Vendor payment and medications are authorized through SASO.

If a facility notifies HHSC that an active Texas Work Medicaid recipient has entered the facility, staff should advise the facility that an application is required. Once the application is received, process as any other application and coordinate with Texas Works.

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Children Receiving Waiver Services

Children who receive services through one of the following waiver programs are eligible to receive temporary ME-Waiver Medicaid for one month following the loss of SSI due to excess income:

  • Medically Dependent Children Program
  • Community Living Assistance and Support Services
  • Home and Community-based Services
  • Youth Empowerment Services or
  • Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities .

What Is A Service Dog

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Lets begin with the basics. A service dog isnt just any canine companion that provides you with general comfort while youre out and about. They serve specific functions. In fact, the Americans with Disability Act states that service animals are, defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.

Another way of looking at it is that a service dog is specially trained to assist the handler with something that relates to their disability. For instance, a dog that knows how to fetch can do something specific, but that isnt normally related to disability unless stated so on the service dog application.

An example of a dog that is a service dog is a canine that guides a blind handler across the street. In this case, both the training and the service provided directly related to the disability of the handler him or herself.

What do service dogs get to do that others cant? For starters, they cant be denied entrance to any business, and even places where you can get food like restaurants or cafés. They can also Comodo state and local government buildings or nonprofit organizations. But on the flip side, they always have to be under control, meaning they need to be leashed and harnessed in such a way that doesnt interfere with the dogs duties or services.

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Who What When And How Of Reporting Changes

Who must make reports? The person responsible for making required reports to HHSC include an:

  • eligible individual
  • applicant awaiting a final determination upon an application.


  • If the applicant/recipient has an authorized representative and has not been legally adjudged incompetent, either the applicant/recipient or the authorized representative must make the required reports.
  • If the recipients co-payment is impacted by either the community spouse or a dependent family member, the recipient, authorized representative, community spouse or dependent family member is responsible for making required reports to HHSC.
  • If the applicant/recipient has an authorized representative and has been legally adjudged incompetent, the authorized representative is responsible for making required reports to HHSC.

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Huskies make great service dogs when it comes to being a service sled dog. While Huskies can be trained to be other types of service dogs it is not as common and there are some stipulations on whether a huskie will fit you and your needs.

Aside from these specific physical needs, poodles can actually make great service dogs for many different needs. For those with visual or hearing impairments, poodles will make for a great service dog Poodles are incredibly intelligent and have great senses. This makes poodles some of the best service dogs out there.

Rottweilers make great service dogs because of their physical characteristics and loving personality. Rottweilers are intelligent, loyal, friendly, and have a large and sturdy build and size. Due to their label as a bully breed, rottweilers are often pushed to the side when being considered for a service dog.

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General Treatment Of Income

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission follows §1612 of the Social Security Act and 20 CFR §§416.1101 – 416.1104 regarding the definition and general treatment of income for the purpose of determining financial eligibility and calculating a co-payment.

A lump sum payment is countable income in the month of receipt and is a resource thereafter.

A person in an institutional setting may retain a personal needs allowance in an amount set by the HHSC executive commissioner in accordance with Chapter 32 of the Texas Human Resources Code.

The PNA is not applied toward the cost of medical assistance furnished in an institutional setting.

For a person receiving the reduced SSI federal benefit rate, HHSC issues a supplement to give the person a PNA at the minimum level set by the HHSC executive commissioner.

An action by a fiduciary agent is the same as an action by the person for whom the fiduciary agent acts.

Monies received by a fiduciary agent for another person are not income to the fiduciary agent. If the fiduciary agent is authorized to keep part of the money as compensation for services rendered, the compensation for services rendered is unearned income to the fiduciary agent.

Monies received by a fiduciary agent for another person are charged as income to the person when the monies are received by the fiduciary agent.

Why It Doesnt Cover Service Dogs

Medicaid &  Service Dogs

Medicaid, and indeed any health insurance, even from private companies, does not cover service animal expenses.

Put simply, Medicaid is designed to cover any absolutely necessary medical expenses that would, if not cover, result in a reduction of quality of life or life endangerment. This means that Medicaid covers things like hospital expenses, doctor visits, nursing home care, and so on. But technically speaking, service animals are not necessary to live when you can have someone else provide the services that dogs do.

Its because of this technical loophole that Medicaid doesnt cover service dogs under any circumstances. They also dont cover any other type of service pet or animal.

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Disabilities That Qualify You For A Service Dog

If you have a physical, emotional, or even mental disabilities, then you may likely qualify for a service dog. If you believe you qualify for a Service Dog and are ready to begin the progress of making your pet dog into your trusted partner, here is a helpful summary with next steps.

However, finding out what qualifies and what doesnt qualify for a service dog can be a difficult task. If youre looking for what qualifies for getting a service dog, three federal laws regulate and help define what qualifies for a service dog.

Service Dog Training Programs

To become a service dog trainer, contact local humane societies or animal shelters, animal rescue groups, dog obedience training schools, 4-H groups, veterinary practices, dog breeders, kennels or even pet supply stores in your area. These organizations might be able to direct you to programs or individuals involved in training service animals. You might be able to connect with an experienced trainer who will take you on as an apprentice if you are willing to volunteer your time. In fact, many established service dog trainers work as volunteers rather than as paid employees.

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Physical Vs Invisible Disability

According to the ADA, an individual with a disability must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • has a physical or mental impairment that significantly limits the ability to perform one or more major life functions
  • has a history of an impairment that meets this description
  • is seen by others as having an impairment that meets this description

Unlike a physical disability that may be obvious due to the use of an assistive device, such as a wheelchair or cane, an invisible disability is an impairment thats not immediately apparent.

The term invisible disability encompasses many medical conditions that are invisible to an onlooker. Depression is one of these conditions.

According to a 2014 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, 27 million adults were frequently depressed or anxious to an extent that seriously interfered with everyday activities.

If your depression meets the criteria set out in the ADAs definition of a disability, you qualify to have a service dog for depression.

A service dog for depression may also be referred to as a psychiatric service dog. This is not to be confused with an emotional support animal or therapy dogs, which are not recognized as service animals by the ADA.

Here are the key differences:


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