Pros And Cons Of Expanding Medicaid


Health Insurance And Volunteering

Pros and cons of expanding Medicaid eligibility

In order to explore how health insurance may indirectly stimulate pro-socialbehavior such as volunteering, we review research literature indicating that gaininghealth insurance is associated with improvements in individual health and householdfinancial stabilization. Both of these effects, better health and financialsecurity, have been associated with an increased likelihood in volunteering. Becausethe Medicaid expansion under the ACA has benefited certain groups more than others,any increases in volunteering among the poor may be moderated by race andgender.

Research shows that volunteering is affected by both health and financialfactors. In their profile of American volunteers, Musick and Wilson argue thatpeople require cultural, human, and social resources to engage in volunteer work.Poor health, they write, raises the cost of doingvolunteer work. . Self-rated health is positively related to volunteering. A study of elderlyEuropeans in ten countries found that those that rated their health as good orbetter were twice as likely to volunteer as those rating their health as fair orworse. Thoitsand Hewitt also found that people who reported being happier and healthiervolunteered more hours and that self-reported mental health and physical problemsmay be barriers to volunteering.

Two Studies Look At Medicaid Expansion Pros Cons

One report says ER visits increased in Medicaid expansion states. Another says without it, over 14 million people could lose coverage.

The Affordable Care Acts effect on emergency department visits appears to be a mixed bag, as a study published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine contradicts other research by showing an overall expansion in the use of emergency departments after the law was passed consistent with polls of emergency physicians.

Wyoming Medicaid Expansion Has Perceived Pros Cons

There were two attempts to pass Medicaid expansion in the Wyoming Legislatures recent session, and two failures.

But all is not lost for those who support the measure, because it is on the list as an interim topic for the Revenue Committee. Sen. R.J. Kost, R-Powell, said that means any bill will have to start in the House, because it includes income to the state. He spoke Monday about the measure and what it could mean to residents in a certain category.

That category includes about 25,000 Wyomingites who currently dont qualify for Medicaid but cant afford health insurance. These are the people the expansion would assist, making them eligible for Medicaid.

Im not knocking them, because anyone in their situation would do the same, Kost said. They wait until their illness is very serious, then they go to the ER.

Because he serves as the president of the Powell Valley Healthcare Board of Directors, Kost well knows that the emergency room is the most expensive way to seek treatment at the hospital.

This is detrimental to the state if it has to write them off and it is detrimental to the patients because it has gotten so serious, Kost said.

The Medicaid expansion could allow those patients to look at their health care from a different perspective, Kost said. We want to help them learn what to do to help them help themselves health wise.

In addition, Kost points out it is better for the patients.

No Big Horn Basin lawmakers sit on the Revenue Committee.

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Essay About Medicaid Expansion

ENG 112Traditional ArgumentMedicaid Expansion In 2009 there were 50.7 million people, 16.7% of the population, without health insurance. Americans all over the country are working and yet they still cant afford to pay the high cost of health insurance for themselves and their families. Under the Affordable Care Act of 2010, which was signed by Obama on March 23, 2010, thirty two million Americans who were previously not eligible for Medicaid may now have the opportunity to be

Recovery Recap: A Slow Start A Reversal And Gao Involvement

Pros and cons of expanding Medicaid eligibility

During the fourth quarter of 2017, only a few states actively embraced these expanded rights however, it was anticipated that Medicaid agencies would better conform to these regulations over time and more aggressively pursue recovery efforts.

This expansion of Medicaid rights was quickly reversed in the 2018 federal budget. Once again, state Medicaid recovery was limited to a portion of the settlement. The reversal likely discouraged states from improving technological capabilities to identify third party payers. With these limitations, Medicaid agencies often seek recovery against beneficiaries themselves rather than insurers or attorneys. However, states and CMS could ameliorate the identification and recovery processes in the future to better ensure that the correct primary payer details are identified.

Along with congressional intervention, additional agency efforts at the national level continue to seek solutions to inefficiencies at the state level in identifying and recouping erroneous Medicaid payments. Last summer, the U.S. Government Accountability Office issued two separate reports detailing the role of rampant improper payments and program integrity risks in the Medicaid program. The GAO has designated Medicaid as a high-risk issue due to its large program size, administration complexities, and increasing annual costs.

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The Impact Of The Affordable Care Act

Texass decision the not expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act has took a toll on many Texans. Texas is one of many states yet to expand the Medicaid program. With the decision not to expand Medicaid, it have left many low-income families uninsured and without an option for affordable healthcare. Texas has the highest number of people uninsured in the Unites States of America. The change has now entered the third year and only 30 states have expanded the program. There is an ongoing outreach

Benefits Not Limited To Health Care

Researchers from Columbia University and Boston University show that the benefits of Medicaid expansion extend beyond health care. The researchers hypothesized that out-of-pocket medical costs could contribute to some peoples inability to pay rent and their subsequent evictions, and that gaining Medicaid benefits might help mitigate this situation among those struggling financially. At the annual research meeting of Academy Health, the researchers presented their finding that, indeed, there was a reduction in eviction rates following the Medicaid expansion in California. Specifically, they estimated that for every 1,000 new Medicaid enrollees, there were 53 fewer evictions per year. Effects were concentrated among counties with the highest rates of uninsured residents.

This study contributes to the growing body of research that links Medicaid expansion to financial stability. CHCF blogged about a few of these examples in 2017, including a Health Affairs study that showed the Medicaid expansion in California was associated with residents taking out fewer payday loans, a form of short-term, high-interest borrowing that is considered a major financial hazard.

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Taxes Are Going Up As A Result Of The Aca

Several new taxes were passed into law to help pay for the ACA, including taxes on medical device and pharmaceutical sales. Taxes were also increased for people with high incomes. Funding also comes from savings in Medicare payments.

The wealthy are helping to subsidize insurance for the poor. Some economists, however, predict that in the long term, the ACA will help reduce the deficit and may eventually have a positive impact on the budget.

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Communities weigh the pros and cons of Medicaid expansion

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The Pros And Cons Of Medicaid Coverage

policy of Medicaid coverage has been disappointing with progress and it being forced to stay the same as is it always been instead of expanding to help out more people. Since 2014, the state of Texas health care system has seen a drastic step back in health care programs such as not expanding Medicaid, hospital closings, and a the Texas senate of Republicans representatives refusal to accept any changes to the current Texas Health Care. The way to get health care programs like Medicaid in Texas is

Stories That Caught Our Attention This Week

California has long been a leader in expanding the eligibility criteria for enrollment in Medicaid. Under the Affordable Care Act , states can expand Medicaid to cover more adults with low incomes, and California was among the first to do so with its program, Medi-Cal. To date, 36 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the expansion, and newly released research suggests residents in those places are experiencing tangible improvements in their health and well-being as a result.

As the country grapples with high rates of maternal and infant mortality, Medicaid expansion provides a reason for hope. Research summarized by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families suggests that Medicaid expansion states saw a 50% greater decline in infant mortality than non-expansion states, with the greatest decline among Black babies. States that have not expanded are really missing a clear opportunity to begin to address this unacceptable racial inequality among racial and ethnic mortalities, said Adam Searing, a Georgetown associate professor and co-author of the report, according to FierceHealthcare.

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Pros And Cons Of Accepting Medicaid

One of the essential aid programs in the United States is Medicaid. It allows families who meet certain income or status qualifications the chance to receive health care services. Each program is managed individually at the state level so that individualized needs have a better chance to be met. As with any national program of support, there are some key pros and cons of accepting Medicaid that must be considered by medical providers.

Build Back Better Act


The Build Back Better Act, which will be debated in Congress in the fall of 2021, includes a provision to prolong the unemployment-based subsidy benefit for another year, through 2022.

Furthermore, it would provide government subsidies to persons in the coverage gap for four years, allowing them to obtain premium-free coverage with increased benefits with very low out-of-pocket expenditures.

The bill has been amended multiple times over the drafting and debating process, but if passed as written in October 2021, this clause would go into effect in 2022, closing the coverage gap temporarily.

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The Affordable Care Act And Obama Care Essay

controversial discussion that I was to discuss the pros and cons that comes with it . SUMMARY The Obama care was signed into the law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and upheld by the supreme court on June 28, 2012 The law didnt take effect until January 1st 2014. From my research I ‘ve concluded that the Obama care took awhile for it to go into full effect. Some reasons to why the Obama Care took awhile to get established is that it needed

Prescription Drugs Cost Less

The ACA promised to make prescription drugs more affordable. Many people, particularly senior citizens, are unable to afford all their medications. The number of prescription and generic drugs covered by the ACA is growing every year.

According to a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services press release from 2017, Medicare beneficiaries have saved over $26.8 billion on prescription drugs under Obamacare.

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Medicaid Expansion Pros And Cons

Medicaid Expansion DebateMedicaid is one of the states’ mandated health insurance program that is operated and financed by the federal and state government. It is the predominant source of funding for hospitals, community health centers, physicians and nursing home that provides for more than 74 million low-income children, pregnant women, adults, elderly, and people with disabilities in the nation . As of January 7, 1965, former President Johnson provided his first

While It Upheld Most Of The Affordable Care Act The Supreme Court Said The Medicaid Expansion Was Up To The States

Pros And Cons Of Expanding Medi-Cal
  • WAYNE GREENE World Senior Writer

Last month’s U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of most of the Affordable Care Act left Gov. Mary Fallin and state lawmakers with a difficult choice.

While the high court said most of the federal law was constitutional, it struck down a mandate that states accept expansion of Medicaid coverage to include families up to 133 percent of the poverty level or lose previous federal Medicaid funding.

Essentially, the ruling made the Medicaid expansion optional.

Accept the money and thousands of Oklahomans get medical care with the federal government picking up the lion’s share of the cost.

Refuse it and save the federal and state governments billions and stymie the progress of an unpopular expansion of federal government.

It’s a highly political decision that forces Fallin and lawmakers to weigh issues of economics, health-care policy and philosophy.

While some Republican governors were quick to reject the Medicaid money, Fallin has put off a policy call on the issue, possibly until after November’s election or even until next year’s legislative session.

Four key arguments against accepting Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion

1. Medicaid expansion will cost the state too much.

2. Medicaid expansion will cost the nation too much.

3. Medicaid expansion perpetuates a broken system.

4. Medicaid expansion is philosophically the wrong course.

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Opinion: Medicaid Expansion Would Still Benefit Ga

Georgias leaders continue to ignore the most cost-effective, evidence-based, equitable, and practical steps to addressing our health care problems.

Laura Colbert, executive director, Georgians for a Healthy Future.

A total of 38 states, red and blue, have already expanded their Medicaid programs, bringing the U.S. rate of uninsured down to 9.2%. But not Georgia.

As of 2019, there were 10.6 million Georgians and 13.4% of them were medically uninsured . Only Oklahoma and Texas have a higher percentage of uninsured.

We have over 1.4 million Georgians without medical insurance. Why are we so high compared to other states? Because our Governor and Legislature have refused to accept federal dollars to expand our Medicaid program . Estimates are that an additional 567,000 low-income Georgians would get Medicaid coverage if the program were simply expanded now.

Instead, Georgias Governor and Legislature have hemmed and hawed for a decade, with Kemp finally submitting Section 1115 and 1332 waivers to CMS last year. These waivers are submitted to obtain approval for a state to administer Medicaid differently than other states. Both plans were approved by CMS in recent weeks.

The ideologically based waiver also severely limits the income level needed to qualify . The ACA guidelines are 38% higher.

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You Can Be Fined If You Dont Have Insurance

The goal of Obamacare is for people to be insured year round. If youre uninsured and dont obtain an exemption, you must pay a modest fine. Recent events have changed this fine, and beginning with the tax year 2019 it will be eliminated.

Some people think its intrusive for the government to require health insurance. ACA supporters argue that not having insurance passes your healthcare costs on to everyone else.

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Its Best To Be Prepared For Enrollment Day

The ACA website had a lot of technical problems when it was first launched. This made it difficult for people to enroll and led to delays and lower-than-expected signups.

The website problems were eventually fixed, but many consumers have complained that signing up for the right family or business coverage can be tricky. In recent years, the enrollment period has also been shortened to between November 1 and December 15.

Many hospitals and public health agencies have set up programs to help guide consumers and business owners through the setup process. The ACA website also has sections devoted to explaining the procedures and available options.

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Medicaid Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act

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New Mexico Has Accepted Federal Medicaid Expansion

  • 943,080 Number of New Mexicans covered by Medicaid/CHIP as of September 2021
  • 485,402 Increase in the number of New Mexicans covered by Medicaid/CHIP fall 2013 to September 2021
  • 49% Reduction in the uninsured rate from 2010 to 2019
  • 83% Increase in total Medicaid/CHIP enrollment in New Mexico since Medicaid expansion took effect

The Pros And Cons Of Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act , also known as Obamacare, was signed into law in 2010.

The act aimed to provide affordable health insurance coverage for all Americans. The ACA was also designed to protect consumers from insurance company tactics that might drive up patient costs or restrict care.

Millions of Americans have benefitted by receiving insurance coverage through the ACA. Many of these people were unemployed or had low-paying jobs. Some couldnt work because of a disability or family obligations. Others couldnt get decent health insurance because of a preexisting medical condition, such as a chronic disease.

The ACA has been highly controversial, despite the positive outcomes.

Conservatives objected to the tax increases and higher insurance premiums needed to pay for Obamacare. Some people in the healthcare industry are critical of the additional workload and costs placed on medical providers. They also think it may have negative effects on the quality of care.

As a result, there are frequent calls for the ACA to be repealed or overhauled.

Heres a look at some of the pros and cons of Obamacare.

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