What Is The Income Limit For Medicaid In Kansas


Kansas Has Not Accepted Federal Medicaid Expansion

Missouri Medicaid guidelines won’t change until July 2021
  • 443,921 Number of Kansans covered by Medicaid/CHIP as of May 2021
  • 145,000 Number of additional Kansas residents who would be covered if the state accepted expansion
  • 45,000 Number of people who have NO realistic access to health insurance without Medicaid expansion
  • $1.3 billion Federal money Kansas is leaving on the table in 2022 by not expanding Medicaid

Why Do Seniors Need To Plan For Medicaid Eligibility

You may not think you will ever need to qualify to receive Medicaid benefits because it is not something you have ever needed before. But nearly 70% of all seniors who are nearing the age of retirement will need some sort of long-term care at some point in the future. And unless you have pre-planned for these costs through a private long-term care insurance policy, you will also likely need help paying the excessively high costs for this long-term care. Unfortunately, Medicare and other private health insurance plans do not provide coverage for most long-term care costs. However, Medicaid does provide coverage which will help cover these long-term care costs. In fact, more than half of all residents currently receiving long-term care are reliant on Medicaid to help cover the costs of their care. This is why it is so important for todays seniors to prepare for Medicaid eligibility even if you do not need the coverage right now. With proper proactive Medicaid planning, you can ensure your assets are structured in a way which will preserve your assets while still allowing you to qualify for Medicaid benefits when you need them.

How Do You Calculate Your Medicaid Income Eligibility

Follow these steps to calculate whether or not your income may qualify you for Medicaid:

  • Find the FPL for your household using the chart above
  • Multiply that number by your states Medicaid income limit found below, and then divide by 100

For example, if there are two people living in your household and you live in Arizona, you would multiply $17,420 by 138 and then divide by 100. That equals $24,039.60.

You may also multiply $17,420 by 1.38.

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Kansas Medicaid Asset Limits 2019

Individuals in Kansas are allowed to keep $2,000 when they apply to Medicaid for long term care. If they are over this amount, they must spend down on care. It is important to note, that individuals are not allowed to give gifts of any amount for a period of 5 years prior to applying to Medicaid. If an individual’s assets are more than $2,000, they should learn about Medicaid Planning strategies. This asset limit only applies to assets that are considered countable assets. Some examples of countable assets include savings accounts, bank accounts, retirement accounts and a second home. If you have multiple assets and are looking to access Medicaid, it may make sense to speak with a Medicaid Planner or Elder Law attorney in Kansas.

Couples that both require Medicaid for long term care in Kansas are allowed to keep $3,000 in assets. If there is one spouse that requires care, and one that does not, the spouse that does not receive care is referred to as the Community Spouse. The Community spouse is allowed to keep 50% of their assets up to $123,600 in countable assets which is known as the Community Spouse Resource Allowance. The Community Spouse is allowed to keep 100% of their marital assets up to $24,720 .

Penalty Information In Kansas For Medicaid

Income Guidelines For Ks Medicaid

If a gift of any amount is given in Kansas during a period of 5 years before applying to Medicaid, a penalty period will be initiated. This penalty period in Kansas is called a look-back period and it can make an individual not eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid will not pay for care until the penalty period is over. The penalty is calculated by taking the total amount of any gifts given, and dividing it by $ 5,974, which creates a number of months before Medicaid kicks in.

The average cost of Nursing home care in Kansas is $6,813, so penalties can become very costly for a family that has not planned appropriately for Medicaid.

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Medicaid Income Guidelines For

  • Household of 2 = $0 – $2,610

  • Household of 3 = $0 – $3,282

  • Household of 4 = $0 – $3,955

  • Household of 5 = $0 – $4,627

  • Household of 6 = $0 – $5,300

Children under 19

  • Household of 2 = $0 – $3,357

  • Household of 3 = $0 – $4,223

  • Household of 4 = $0 – $5,088

  • Household of 5 = $0 – $5,953

  • Household of 6 = $0 – $6,819

Parents and Caregivers

  • Household of 2 = $0 – $580

  • Household of 3 = $0 – $730

  • Household of 4 = $0 – $879

  • Household of 5 = $0 – $1,029

  • Household of 6 = $0 – $1,178

Medicaid health insurance is only for people who are US citizens or meet immigration guidelines. Folks without social security numbers can not get Medicaid. They can, however, apply for for family members like children. Social security numbers are NOT required for people applying on behalf of family members.

Kansas Medicaid Eligibility Information

There are many paths to Medicaid eligibility. Medicaid eligibility can depend on factors such asyour household size, household income, household assets, you age, and whether you have a disability. If you’reunder 65 and don’t have a disability, you’re eligibility will likely be based on your income only .If you’re over65 or have a disability, you’re likely eligible for Medicare. If eligible for Medicare,there are alternate pathways to Medicaid eligibility which typically include asset tests. Additionally,the way that your income is calculated for these programs is more complicated, meaning that yourincome could be above the income limits and you’d still be eligible.For a more personalized estimate, you canuse our Medicaid eligibility calculator.Please note that there may be otherhealth insurance assistance programs offered by your state not listed here,and there may be other eligibilityrequirements for these programs that are not listed here. Additionally, the way that household incomeand household size are calculated can differ from a household’stotal pre-tax income and the number of people on the tax return.

This website is not affiliated with any government organization or Medicaid,CHIP, or health insurance program.

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Income Limits In Kansas For Medicaid

There is no income cap in Kansas for the individuals receiving care. If an individual is married, the spouses income does not typically count towards the income cap, but it is important to maximize income protection via the Monthly Needs Allowance rules. The maximum amount of income the Medicaid office allows a community spouse to keep in Kansas is $3,022 and the minimum anount is $2,003. All of an individual’s income must go towards their cost of care, aside from $62 which is for a personal needs allowance.

How Much Is The Federal Poverty Level

Missouri Medicaid expansion

The federal poverty level in 2021 is equal to an income of $12,880 per year for an individual adult, plus $4,540 for each additional household member. Alaska and Hawaii have different benchmarks because of their differing costs of living.

2021 Federal Poverty Level by State

Number of people in home

48 states and Washington D.C.


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Medicaid Eligibility Income Chart By State Updated Jul 2022

The table below shows Medicaids monthly income limits by state for seniors. Income is not the only eligibility factor for Medicaid long term care there is also an asset limit and level of care requirements. Additionally, there are state-specific details. Click on the state name below to see that states complete Medicaid eligibility criteria.

The maximum income limits change dependent on the marital status of the applicant, whether a spouse is also applying for Medicaid, and the type of Medicaid for which they are applying. Nursing home Medicaid may have a different income limit than home and community based Medicaid services, and both of those may differ from the Aged, Blind and Disabled income limits.

Exceeding the income limits does not mean an individual cannot qualify for Medicaid. Most states have multiple pathways to Medicaid eligibility, such as a medically needy pathway. Furthermore, many states allow the use of Miller Trusts or Qualified Income Trusts to help person who cannot afford their care costs to become Medicaid eligible. There are also Medicaid planning professionals that employ other complicated techniques to help persons become eligible. Finally, candidates can take advantage of spousal protection laws that allow income to be allocated to a non-applicant spouse.

Medicaid Eligibility Income Chart Updated July 2022

Who Qualifies For Medicaid In Kansas

Individuals who meet the following income limits qualify for Medicaid in Kansas: Whats The Difference Between Medicaid And Obamacare. Medicaid: The health insurance program is provided and run by the government. Obamacare: This is the nickname for the Affordable Care Act, President Obamas health care reform bill that became law in 2010. The


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Where Can I Apply For Medicaid In Kansas

Medicaid is administered by the Kansas Department of Health and the Environment. You can request an application for Medicaid ABD or an MSP by calling call 800-792-4884. This website contains more information about applying for Medicaid in Kansas.

Josh Schultz has a strong background in Medicare and the Affordable Care Act. He coordinated a Medicare technical assistance contract at the Medicare Rights Center in New York City, where he represented clients in extensive Medicare claims and appeals. In addition to advocacy work, Josh helped implement health insurance exchanges at the technology firm hCentive. He has also held consulting roles, including at Sachs Policy Group, where he worked with hospital, insurer and technology clients.

Children’s Health Insurance Program

Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility, Enrollment, Renewal, and Cost

The Children’s Health Insurance Program is a public healthcare program for low-income children who are ineligible for Medicaid. CHIP and Medicaid are related programs, and the former builds on Medicaid’s coverage of children. States may run CHIP as an extension of Medicaid, as a separate program, or as a combination of both. Like Medicaid, CHIP is financed by both the states and the federal government, and states retain general flexibility in the administration of its benefits.

CHIP is available specifically for children whose families make too much to qualify for Medicaid, meaning they must earn incomes above 138 percent of the federal poverty level, or $33,948 for a family of four in 2017. Upper income limits for eligibility for CHIP vary by state, from 175 percent of the federal poverty level in North Dakota to 405 percent of the FPL in New York. States have greater flexibility in designing their CHIP programs than with Medicaid. For instance, fewer benefits are required to be covered under CHIP. States can also charge a monthly premium and require cost sharing, such as copayments, for some services the total cost of premiums and cost sharing may be no more than 5 percent of a family’s annual income. As of January 2017, 14 states charged only premiums to CHIP enrollees, while nine states required only cost sharing. Sixteen states required both premiums and cost sharing. Eleven states did not require either premiums or cost sharing.

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What Is The Highest Income To Qualify For Medicaid

Washington D.C. has the highest allowable income to qualify for Medicaid, at 215% of the FPL for individuals and 221% for a family of three.

That means an individual in Washington D.C. can make up to $27,692 per year and still be eligible for Medicaid. Washington D.C.s high cost of living factors into its higher income limit for Medicaid. No other state uses more than the standard 138% limit for individuals.

A family of three can make up to $48,531.60 and still qualify for Medicaid in Washington D.C. Connecticut is the only other state to use a limit higher than 138%.

What Are The Different Types Of Care Available

Regular Medicaid is the health care benefits program available to all of a states residents, providing they meet the eligibility requirements. Some of the eligibility requirements include:

  • Low-income
  • Legal status on the United States
  • Resident of the state of application

Those who meet these criteria are able to use their regular Medicaid benefits for their doctors visits, hospital care, laboratory testing, and transportation for medical purposes.

The income limit for regular medicaid will be a set amount, depending on state and marital status. Some states allow one lump sum for a married couple and others have an income limit per spouse.

Medicaid for long-term nursing home care is for those who are elderly and can no longer live independently, those with chronic illness, and people with disabilities. At the facility, the residents receive 24/7 supervision and medical care, as well as lodgings and meals.

All state residents who meet the eligibility criteria and require long-term nursing home care are entitled to and will receive the care. There are no waitlists or lotteries for this benefit and you cant be denied if you meet the eligibility requirements.

However, that is not the case with Medicaids home-based nursing care. This care is for seniors who require daily medical assistance but have enough independance to and prefer to age in their own homes.

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Who Qualifies For Medicaid

In all but 13 states, adults who make below a certain income may qualify for Medicaid. In all states, Medicaid is available to people who make a low income and also meet other criteria such as being at least 65 years old, disabled, pregnant or other qualifications.

Each state runs its own Medicaid programs with its own set of qualifying criteria.

Medicaid Certified Home Care Agency In Kansas

Medicaid and Long Term Care Overview

A caregiver agency is eligible for a Kansas Medicaid claim if it is a certified HHA . The agency must possess a valid license along with certain certifications. Complete information regarding the regulations is provided by the Bureau of Licensing and Certification or states Department of Human Services.

Governing Body: Kansas Department of Health and Environment

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Kansas And The Acas Medicaid Expansion

45,000 Number of people who have NO realistic access to health insurance without Medicaid expansion. $1.3 billion Federal money Kansas is leaving on the table in 2022 by not expanding Medicaid. KanCare 2.0 waiver proposal initially called for a work requirement and 36-month cap on Medicaid benefits.


Effective Date Of Coverage

Once an individual is determined eligible for Medicaid, coverage is effective either on the date of application or the first day of the month of application. Benefits also may be covered retroactively for up to three months prior to the month of application, if the individual would have been eligible during that period had he or she applied. Coverage generally stops at the end of the month in which a person no longer meets the requirements for eligibility.

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Long Term Care Options

Nursing Facility Coverage: This Medicaid plan is for persons in a nursing home or similar facility. Single persons must have assets below $2000. KanCare will not count the value of the home if the person intends to return home. There may be penalties when assets are sold or given away. KanCare looks at sales and gifts within the past five years. Persons with an income of more than $62 a month help pay for their care. Allowance for private health insurance may be given

Home and Community-Based Services : This Medicaid program offers services in the community instead of in the nursing home. HCBS is much like nursing home health care coverage. Persons must have a medical need for special care. There must be an open space in the HCBS program. The asset limit is $2000 for single persons. People on HCBS must also share in the cost of care. Persons with an income of more than $747.00 a month help pay for their care. Allowance for private health insurance may be given.

Controversy Around Kansas Medicaid

Medicaid Expansion by State

In 2010, Kansas began researching options to reform its Medicaid program to improve health outcomes and control costs. In November 2011, the Brownback administration announced its plans to move all Medicaid beneficiaries, including fragile populations like disabled individuals and nursing home residents, into managed care programs. The reformed program was given the name KanCare.

In September 2014, Democrats on the KanCare Oversight Committee requested an investigation of the contracting process with the three managed care companies that participate in KanCare. Those requesting the investigation cited reports that the FBI interviewed numerous people involved in the contracting process. In October 2015, Amerigroup, one of KanCares three managed care organizations, hosted a fundraiser for Republican members of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee, which oversees KanCares performance. The fundraising continued a trend of financial contributions to lawmakers from the private companies that contract with KanCare, and called into question lawmakers willingness to provide meaningful oversight for KanCares performance.

Another area of concern was raised by a study conducted by the University of Kansas. Researchers found that nearly half of disabled individuals interviewed had problems accessing services through KanCare.

In 2018, nearly all of Kansas Medicaid enrollees were covered under the states Medicaid managed care program.

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Who Is Eligible For Medicaid In Kansas

A person must be a Kansas resident and reside legally within the United States to be eligible for Kansas Medicaid. They must also meet low-income requirements and fall into one of the following categories:

  • Pregnant women
  • Parents and caregivers of children
  • Blind or disabled persons
  • People age 65 or older

Medicaid in Kansas is not available to all low-income adults only to those who fit into one of these eligible categories.


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