Medicaid And Other Health Insurance


Understanding The Coordination Of Benefits System

Eligibility and Enrollment into Medicare, Medicaid, and other Insurance

Heres an example of how the process works:

  • Lets say you visit your doctor and the bill comes to $100.
  • The primary plan picks up its coverage amount. Lets say thats $50.
  • Then, the secondary insurance plan picks up its part of the cost up to 100% as long as the insurer covers the health care services.
  • You pay whatever the two plans didnt cover.

That sounds great, right? Well, having two health plans also means that youll likely need to pay two premiums and deal with deductibles for two health plans.

Lets review COB, when they are needed, whether you should get dual coverage, what to do if you have issues with COB and some tips from experts.

If Your Or Your Spouse’s Employer Has Less Than 20 Employees And Isn’t Part Of A Multi

Medicare pays first. Medicare may pay second if both of these apply:

  • Your employer, which has less than 20 employees, joins with other employers or employee organizations to sponsor a group health plan , and
  • At least one or more of the other employers has 20 or more employees.

However, your plan may ask for an exception and request not to be part of a multi-employer group health plan. Check with your plan first and ask whether it will pay first or second for your claims.

I’m in a Health Maintenance Organization Plan or an employer Preferred Provider Organization Plan that pays first through my employer and I get services outside the employer plan’s network.

It’s possible that neither the plan nor Medicare will pay if you get care outside your employer plan’s network. Before you go outside the network, call your employer group health plan to find out if it will cover the service.

I have dropped employer-offered coverage.

If youre 65 or older, Medicare pays first unless these apply:

  • You have coverage through an employed spouse.
  • Your spouse’s employer has at least 20 employees.

If you don’t take employer coverage when it’s first offered to you, you might not get another chance to sign up. If you take the coverage but drop it later, you may not be able to get it back. Also, you might be denied coverage if your employer or your spouse’s employer generally offers retiree coverage, but you weren’t enrolled in the plan while you or your spouse were still working.

Eligibility For Medicaid With Private Insurance

Medicaid is available to all U.S citizens who are needy and cannot afford proper or affordable health insurance. Even if you are already enrolled in your own or familys private health insurance, you may still qualify for Medicaid benefits. This is perfect for individuals who are given health insurance from their employer but are still struggling to make ends meet.

Eligibility requirements to receive benefits from Medicaid, as mentioned before, can vary state wildly by state with a few overlap criteria. If your annual income is 200% or less of the Federal Poverty Line guidelines, your application for Medicaid will typically be accepted despite having private insurance.

New income requirements outlined in the latest Affordable Cares Act allow a more comprehensive range of people to be eligible to receive Medicaid. Researching eligibility requirements specific to your situation can be done through your residing states health department. Benefits for individuals solely using Medicaid as their primary insurance provider can receive different coverage than those with additional private insurance. Even if you are unsure if you qualify for Medicaid, it doesnt hurt to apply, and it may help you in the long run.

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Health Care In Ontario

OHIP is Ontarios health care plan. Through OHIP, the province pays for many of the health services you may need. You need to apply and, once youre approved, youll get an Ontario health card. Your health card proves youre covered by OHIP thats why youll need to show it every time you see your doctor, visit an emergency room, have a medical test or go for surgery.

If You Decide To Pay Full Price For A Marketplace Plan

Medicare and Medicaid: The Differences

You can have both a Marketplace plan and Medicaid or CHIP, but youre not eligible to receive advance payments of the premium tax credit or other cost savings to help pay for your share of the Marketplace plan premium and covered services. If you or others on your Marketplace application choose to have Medicaid or CHIP and full-price Marketplace coverage:

  • End your Marketplace plan with premium tax credits if youre the only one on the application.
  • Submit a new application for Marketplace coverage without premium tax credits or other cost savings. Note: You can only enroll in Marketplace coverage during the annual Open Enrollment Period or if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.
  • Notify your state Medicaid or CHIP agency of your Marketplace enrollment. Note: You may no longer be eligible for CHIP.

Read Also: Washington State Medicaid Residency Requirements

Keep Your Information Updated

Its important to keep your other health information updated

  • Tell your TRICARE contractors and doctors when you have other health insurance.
  • If TRICARE gets your claim before your other health insurance processes it, TRICARE will deny it.
  • If TRICARE pays first and then discovers you had other health insurance, TRICARE will take back any payments made. They will only reprocess your claim after your other health insurance does.

Keep your doctor and your contractor updated on your other health insurance. They can coordinate your benefits and ensure your claims are paid quickly.

Using Medicaid With Medicare Or Other Medical Insurance

If you have both Medicare and Medicaid, they work together for you. Medicare pays first, and Medicaid pays last.

Medicare has two parts: Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B

Medicare Part A:

  • Pays for skilled nursing care and hospital services.
  • Pays for most of your hospital expenses.

Medicaid will pay most of the hospital bills that Medicare Part A doesnt pay. You may be billed for a small amount, called co-insurance. You might also have to pay part of the deductible for inpatient hospital care.

Medicare Part B:

  • Pays for visits to the doctor
  • Pays for lab tests and X-rays.

Not everyone on Medicare has Part B. You have to pay a small amount each month. Medicaid will pay this monthly charge for you. Let your DHS county office know you have Medicare Part B so you wont be charged a Medicare premium. Medicaid also pays most of the charges that Medicare Part B will not pay. You may be billed for a small amount.

If you have health insurance and Medicaid:

Other times when Medicaid will not pay until someone else pays:

  • If you are hurt in a car accident, Medicaid will not pay until your car insurance or the other drivers car insurance has paid or denied payment.
  • If you are hurt on the job, Medicaid will not pay until workers comp has paid or denied payment.
  • If you win a lawsuit because you got hurt or you get a cash settlement from such a lawsuit, you must use the money to pay your medical bills. Medicaid will only pay toward any amount of your medical bills that are left over.

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How Medicare Works With Other Insurance

If you have

and other health insurance , each type of coverage is called a “payer.” When there’s more than one payer, “coordination of benefits” rules decide which one pays first. The “primary payer” pays what it owes on your bills first, and then sends the rest to the “secondary payer” to pay. In some rare cases, there may also be a third payer.

Do Beneficiaries Have Adequate Access To Health Care

Is Medicaid Coverage Better or Worse than Private Insurance?

Numerous studies show that Medicaid helps make millions of Americans healthier by improving access to preventive and primary care and by protecting against serious diseases.

Notably, the ACAs expansion of Medicaid to low-income adults prevents thousands of premature deaths each year, a landmark study found. It saved the lives of at least 19,200 adults aged 55 to 64 over the four-year period from 2014 to 2017. Conversely, 15,600 older adults died prematurely because of some states decisions not to expand Medicaid. The lifesaving impacts of Medicaid expansion are large: an estimated 39 to 64 percent reduction in annual mortality rates for older adults gaining coverage.

This new research is consistent with earlier studies finding that the ACAs Medicaid expansion improves the health and financial well-being of those who newly gain coverage. One recent study, for example, found that expansion states had a lower mortality rate for near-elderly adults than non-expansion states. Another study, comparing low-income adults in Arkansas and Kentucky with similar adults in Texas , found the expansion has increased utilization of primary care and screenings and treatment for chronic conditions like diabetes. It has also resulted in fewer skipped medications due to cost, lower out-of-pocket medical spending, and improved overall health. Moreover, the benefits of the Medicaid expansion grew in its second year of implementation, the study found.

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What About Australian Defence Force Personnel

You could be entitled to a full or partial exemption from paying the Medicare levy If you are a serving member of the Australian Defence Force , as all your health care requirements will be covered by the ADF.

When you leave the ADF, youll need to consider your circumstances and whether it would be worthwhile for you to take out private health insurance.

At that point, regardless of whether or not you take out health insurance, you will most likely have to start paying the Medicare levy. If you choose not to take out insurance and you earn more than $90,000 you could also end up being liable for the additional Medicare levy surcharge, which could be up to another 1.5% of your income.

Ok, so unless you qualify for one of those exemptions, youre going to get hit with the Medicare levy.

Lets take a look at how much you can expect to pay.

More About How Va Health Care Works With Medicare And Other Insurance

This is your decision. You can save money if you drop your private health insurance, but there are risks. We encourage you to keep your insurance because:

  • We dont normally provide care for Veterans family members. So, if you drop your private insurance plan, your family may not have health coverage.
  • We dont know if Congress will provide enough funding in future years for us to care for all Veterans who are signed up for VA health care. If youre in one of the lower priority groups, you could lose your VA health care benefits in the future. If you dont keep your private insurance, this would leave you without health coverage.
  • If you have Medicare Part B and you cancel it, you wont be able to get it back until January of the following year. You may also have to pay a penalty to get your coverage back .

Yes. We encourage you to sign up for Medicare as soon as you can. This is because:

Youll need to choose which benefits to use each time you receive care.

To use VA benefits, youll need to get care at a VA medical center or other VA location. Well also cover your care if we pre-authorize you to get services in a non-VA hospital or other care setting. Keep in mind that you may need to pay a VA copayment for non-service-connected care.

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Learn More About Medicare

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For services covered by both Medicare and Medicaid, Medicare pays first and Medicaid serves as the secondary payer. That means Medicare will pick up the bill first and pay its share before handing it off to Medicaid. Copayments and coinsurances that are left remaining after Medicare applies its coverage will be picked up by Medicaid.

Dual-eligible beneficiaries can expect to pay little to nothing out of their own pocket after Medicaid has picked up its share of the cost.

There are also some additional ways in which Medicaid beneficiaries can save money on care with Medicares help.

  • Dual-eligible beneficiaries are often automatically enrolled in a Medicare Savings Program , which covers the Medicare Part B premium and may offer additional services.
  • Dual-eligible beneficiaries also generally receive Extra Help, which provides assistance with Medicare Part D drug costs.
  • There are certain types of Medicare Advantage plans known as Dual-eligible Special Needs Plans that are custom built to accommodate the specific needs of those on both Medicare and Medicaid.

The Benefits Of Private Insurance Over Medicare

Medicare, Medicaid, and other benefits

All of that being said, there are still benefits to private insurance that Medicare cant offer. Limited eligibility is one of the greatest dividing factors. If you arent eligible for Medicare, you will, of course, have to opt for a private option.

In terms of cost, private insurance varies greatly. While the options can be overwhelming, you have the option to compare and find the best possible deal. In other words, you have options. With Original Medicare, premiums and deductibles are fixed no matter age, location, etc.

Recommended Reading: Blue Shield Of California Medicaid

What It Means To Pay Primary/secondary

  • The insurance that pays first pays up to the limits of its coverage.
  • The one that pays second only pays if there are costs the primary insurer didn’t cover.
  • The secondary payer may not pay all the uncovered costs.
  • If your group health plan or retiree health coverage is the secondary payer, you may need to enroll in Medicare Part B before your insurance will pay.

If the insurance company doesn’t pay the

promptly , your doctor or other provider may bill Medicare. Medicare may make a conditional payment to pay the bill, and then later recover any payments the primary payer should’ve made.

Wait Times And Access

Common complaints relate to access, usually to accessing family physicians , to elective surgery and diagnostic imaging. These have been the primary targets of health care reinvestment, and it appears that considerable progress has been made for certain services, although the implications for procedures not on the target list are unclear. Canadian physicians have been heavily involved, particularly in developing appropriateness criteria to ensure timely access for necessary care. It is estimated to have cost Canada’s economy$14.8 billion in 2007 to have patients waiting longer than needed for medical procedures, assuming all patients normally work, and cannot work while waiting.The Fraser Institute completed a study in October 2013, Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada. The authors surveyed both private and publicly funded outpatient health care offices and estimated the amount of wait time between general practitioner and specialists for elective treatments such as getting breast implants. The Fraser Institute estimates that the wait times for elective treatments have increased 95 percent from 1993 to 2013.

Also Check: Is Invisalign Covered By Medicaid

About The Author: Amy Shepard Cfp Rma Bfa

Amy Shepard, CFP®, RMA®, BFA, MBA is a financial planner at Sensible Money. She has been working with clients since 2013 and loves helping them create and implement a financial plan so they can achieve their life goals. She is involved in the CFP Board’s Mentor Program and previously served on the board of the FPA of Greater Phoenix. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her husband and kids they have a goal to take a family picture in all 50 states!

If You Have Or Can Get Both Medicare And Veterans’ Benefits You Can Get Treatment Under Either Program


If you have or can get both Medicare and Veterans benefits, you can get treatment under either program. Generally, Medicare and VA cant pay for the same service or items. Medicare pays for Medicare-covered services or items. Veterans Affairs pays for VA-authorized services or items.

When you get health care, you must choose which benefits to use each time you see a doctor or get health care.


To get the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to pay for services, you must go to a VA facility or have the VA authorize services in a non-VA facility.

If the VA authorizes services in a non-VA hospital, but didnt authorize all of the services you get during your hospital stay, then Medicare may pay for the Medicare-covered services the VA didnt authorize.

I’m covered under TRICARE

For active-duty military enrolled in Medicare, TRICARE pays for Medicare-covered services or items, and Medicare pays second

For inactive-duty military, Medicare pays first for Medicare-covered services and TRICARE may pay second.

TRICARE pays first for services or items from a military hospital or any other federal provider

Get more information on TRICARE.

I have coverage under the Federal Black Lung Program.
I have COBRA continuation coverage

Don’t Miss: The Phone Number For Medicaid

Medicaid Facilitates Access To Care

A large body of research shows that Medicaid beneficiaries have far better access to care than the uninsured and are less likely to postpone or go without needed care due to cost. Moreover, rates of access to care and satisfaction with care among Medicaid enrollees are comparable to rates for people with private insurance . Medicaid coverage of low-income pregnant women and children has contributed to dramatic in the U.S. A growing body of research indicates that Medicaid eligibility during childhood is associated with reduced teen mortality, improved long-run educational attainment, reduced disability, and lower rates of hospitalization and emergency department visits in later life. Benefits also include second-order fiscal effects such as increased tax collections due to higher earnings in adulthood. Research findings show that state Medicaid expansions to adults are associated with increased access to care, improved self-reported health, and reduced mortality among adults.

Figure 7: Nationally, Medicaid is comparable to private insurance for access to care the uninsured fare far less well.


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