Can I Apply For Medicaid Even If I Have Insurance


Consider Shopping For A New Health Plan


Needless to say, the pregnancy loophole can cause major headaches for expectant mothers. If you are pregnant and without coverage for maternity services or childbirth, consider these options:

  • An ACA exchanges plan. You can get an individual plan that covers your pregnancy. ACA plans are eligible for cost-saving subsidies based on income.
  • A Medicaid or Childrens Health Insurance program plan. This can be an option depending on your income and state. More than three dozen states expanded Medicaid, which raised the income restrictions on Medicaid.
  • COBRA could be possible if you or your spouse recently became unemployed.
  • Catastrophic health insurance. These plans are available to people under 30. They offer low premiums and comprehensive coverage. However, they have high out-of-pocket costs, which could be a problem during a pregnancy.
  • Short-term health plan. These low-cost plans are an option, but make sure to read the fine print. Most short-term plans dont cover maternity services.
  • Once the baby is born, you qualify for a special enrollment period . This means that after you have your baby you can enroll in a marketplace health plan even if its outside the open enrollment period. When you enroll in the new plan, your coverage will be effective from the day the baby was born. Keep in mind that maternity services would not be covered.

Having a baby is costly, so make sure you have the health insurance coverage you need during your pregnancy.

Who Can Get Medicaid

  • No matter your state, you may qualify for Medicaid based on your income, household size, disability, family status, and other factors. But if your state has expanded Medicaid coverage, you can qualify based on your income alone.
  • Enter your household size and state. Well tell you who is eligible for Medicaid, if your state expanded and if you qualify for Medicaid based only on your income.
  • If you think you have Medicaid eligibility, you can create an account and fill out a Marketplace application. If it looks like anyone in your household qualifies for Medicaid or CHIP, well send your information to your state agency. Theyll contact you about enrollment. You can apply any time of year.
  • If you dont qualify for Medicaid, well tell you if you qualify for financial help to buy a Marketplace health plan instead.

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Effective Date Of Coverage

Once an individual is determined eligible for Medicaid, coverage is effective either on the date of application or the first day of the month of application. Benefits also may be covered retroactively for up to three months prior to the month of application, if the individual would have been eligible during that period had he or she applied. Coverage generally stops at the end of the month in which a person no longer meets the requirements for eligibility.

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Q How Do I Join A Managed Care Organization

A. After being notified that you are eligible for Medicaid , you will receive in the mail a packet of information about the different MCO plan options for receiving your Medicaid benefits. You may choose any plan described in this mailing. You probably want to choose a Managed Care Organization to which your doctor belongs. If you need help making this decision, call the Health Benefit Manager at the phone number in the mailing.

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Income Requirements For Missouri Medicaid

Applying for Medicaid

Missouri Medicaids income requirements vary between programs. The program for women in need of breast or cervical cancer treatment is the only Missouri Medicaid program that doesnât have an income limit.

Families who qualify for the MO HealthNet must have a household income lower than the Modified Adjusted Gross Income . However, if the family exceeds these requirements, the children may still qualify for one of the two MO HealthNet for Kids Medicaid SCHIP and Non-SCHIP.

Non-SCHIP provides coverage for children in families that exceed the income limits for family coverage as long as the household income does not exceed:

  • 196 percent of the Federal Poverty Level for children under age one.
  • 148 percent of the FPL for children between the ages of one and 18.

SCHIP provides coverage for uninsured children whose familys income exceeds the MAGI but is below 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Level . If your familys income exceeds 150 percent but is less than 300 percent of the FPL, your children may qualify for one of the states premium Medicaid plans.

To qualify for the states plan for pregnant women and newborns, your familys income cant exceed 196 percent of the FPL for your household size, including the unborn child/children.

To qualify for MO HealthNet for People with Disabilities or Seniors you:

  • Cant own assets valued at less than $2000 if single or less than $4000 of married and living with their spouse.
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    Medicaid Facilitates Access To Care

    A large body of research shows that Medicaid beneficiaries have far better access to care than the uninsured and are less likely to postpone or go without needed care due to cost. Moreover, rates of access to care and satisfaction with care among Medicaid enrollees are comparable to rates for people with private insurance . Medicaid coverage of low-income pregnant women and children has contributed to dramatic in the U.S. A growing body of research indicates that Medicaid eligibility during childhood is associated with reduced teen mortality, improved long-run educational attainment, reduced disability, and lower rates of hospitalization and emergency department visits in later life. Benefits also include second-order fiscal effects such as increased tax collections due to higher earnings in adulthood. Research findings show that state Medicaid expansions to adults are associated with increased access to care, improved self-reported health, and reduced mortality among adults.

    Figure 7: Nationally, Medicaid is comparable to private insurance for access to care the uninsured fare far less well.

    Medicaid Enrollees Experience Income Changes That Lead To Coverage Disruption

    Medicaid eligibility is based on a familys current monthly income. Once they enroll, most enrollees have 12 months before they must renew their coverage, but during the 12 months they must report any changes that affect their eligibility. If they report a change that makes them ineligible, they lose coverage. In addition to the requirement that enrollees report changes, many states regularly check data sources such as quarterly wage reports and, if they find information suggesting enrollees may be ineligible, they require that enrollees provide information showing they remain eligible. If enrollees dont respond to the request for information within a short period of time or are unable to show they remain eligible, they lose coverage.

    People often dont receive a request for information or dont respond to it in time, or they may have worked overtime or picked up an extra shift that temporarily put them over the eligibility threshold. Many enrollees reenroll in Medicaid within months of losing coverage, a process known as churn. Others arent aware they are still eligible or are unable to successfully reapply, and they remain uninsured.

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    Coverage Gaps Lead To Higher Health Care Costs

    When individuals lose Medicaid coverage, go for a period without health care, and then reenroll, their health care costs are often higher than if they received continuous coverage. A gap in coverage may lead to interruptions in access to Medicaid, therapies, and other medical care. It can also lead to delays in screening, detection, and treatment of cancer.

    Delayed or skipped treatment often leads to worsening conditions and greater use of high-cost care. Studies show individuals may only reenroll when they receive expensive hospital care, which often could have been avoided had enrollees coverage and access to care continued without interruption. For example, one study showed that adults with Type 1 diabetes who experience an interruption in coverage used acute care five times more frequently after the interruption than before.

    Studies of Medicaid expenditure data have shown higher costs for individuals enrolled for shorter periods of time. An adult enrolled for a full 12 months had estimated average Medicaid costs of $326 per month, while someone enrolled for only one month has average Medicaid costs of $705 per month, data from 2012 showed.

    Does Medicaid Or Chip Cover Pregnancies

    What Is Medicaid? | Medicaid Made Clear

    Yes, state Medicaid and the Childrens Health Insurance Program cover expectant mothers, if they qualify.

    State eligibility for these programs vary. Some states incorporate the CHIP program in Medicaid coverage, while others treat them as two separate programs.

    Check with your state to find out if you qualify for those programs, which offer comprehensive health coverage at free or low cost.

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    Im Single And Just Lost My Job Is Medicaid For Me

    Maybe. Medicaid eligibility is based on where you live, how much money you make each year and the number of people in your household.

    Its worth applying even if you dont think you qualify. Whether you have children, are pregnant or have a disability are all taken into consideration. You can check to see whats offered in your state through the Aetna Better Health website.

    Do I qualify for Medicaid?

    Those who earn less than a certain amount can qualify for Medicaid.

    Depending on the state where you live, you can be covered if your income is below these ranges:

    $16,970-$25,520 for a household of one

    $22,929-$34,480 for a household of two

    $28,887-$43,440 for a household of three

    $34,846-$52,400 for a household of four

    Individuals Age 21 And Older

    States may elect to provide dental services to their adult Medicaid-eligible population or, elect not to provide dental services at all, as part of its Medicaid program. While most states provide at least emergency dental services for adults, less than half of the states provide comprehensive dental care. There are no minimum requirements for adult dental coverage.

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    Im Pregnant And Need Health Insurance But I Cant Get Medicaid

    CHIP Perinatal is a similar program for pregnant women who cant get Medicaid and dont have health insurance.

    CHIP Perinatal includes prenatal visits, prenatal vitamins, labor and delivery and postpartum care.

    To find out if you can get CHIP Perinatal, apply for Medicaid and well determine if you qualify.

    What Ohip Covers And What It Doesnt

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    Before you can decide whether or not you need supplementary health and dental insurance, you should have an idea about the kinds of services OHIP does and doesnt pay for. The basic expenses covered by OHIP include:

    • Visits to doctors

    For a full list visit What OHIP Covers.

    What OHIP doesnt typically cover:

    • Prescription drugs/medicines provided outside of hospitals such as antibiotics, painkillers, and some cancer drugs
    • Specified elective medical services such as chiropractors or massage therapists
    • Semi-private or private hospital rooms
    • Some medical exams, tests and vaccinations

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    What Makes Health Care So Expensive

    The price of medical care is the single biggest factor behind U.S. healthcare costs, accounting for 90% of spending. These expenditures reflect the cost of caring for those with chronic or long-term medical conditions, an aging population and the increased cost of new medicines, procedures and technologies.

    $383 a monthincreases with age

    There are seven ways to obtain insurance if you are aging off of your parents insurance plan. But before choosing an insurance plan as a young adult, you need to evaluate your own situation, determining, for example, what you need in a health plan and how much you can afford.

    If you are healthy, you may not need a comprehensive and more expensive health plan that is designed for someone with chronic illnesses. By the same token, if you are a young adult with a chronic illness, you may need a more comprehensive plan.

    There are other considerations. A young adult who is planning to start a family will have different coverage needs than a young, single adult starting their first job and living alone.

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    Medicaid And Former Foster Youth

    For young adults formerly in foster care, there are special provisions. Medicaid is available until age 26 for those who:

    • exit foster care at age 18
    • were on Medicaid while in foster care
    • are not eligible for other Medicaid coverage

    No income is counted towards eligibility, and the young adult is eligible even if they have another offer of coverage through an employer. Children who were adopted or placed in guardianship at age 18 are not eligible for Medicaid under the former foster care coverage group.

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    Advantages Of Having Medicaid And Private Insurance

    Carrying both Medicaid and private insurance can drastically reduce your out-of-pocket costs, especially if your private insurance plan has a high deductible or pays for only a small percentage of your care.

    Lets say you get a hospital bill for $5,000 and you have a coinsurance of 20% on your private insurance plan. As a result, your plan will cover 80% of your hospital bill, which amounts to $1,000. Under normal circumstances, you would be on the hook for the remaining $1,000.

    But if you have Medicaid as supplemental coverage, it would pay for the remaining balance, minus any coinsurance or copay you have. So if your Medicaid coverage requires a copayment of $50, you would pay that amount while Medicaid covers the other $950.

    Will Medicaid Pay For Primary Insurance Copays

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    Most Medicaid recipients in Arizona dont owe a monthly premium for the services. Instead, youll only need to make payments while receiving care.

    If youre 19 or older, you might have to make small copayments for Medicaid-covered services. You wont have to cover copayments, however, if youre 18 or younger, pregnant, in hospice care, or exempt under certain other conditions.

    Arizona Medicaids copayments will be much more affordable than copayments from private insurance companies. Keep in mind that if your primary insurance provider charges a copay to receive services, Medicaid may not cover that. You will need to contact your Medicaid service provider to find out.

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    Who Qualifies As A Dependent For Insurance

    Generally speaking, you can include any child who fits the following criteria: Age: Your child has to be under the age of 26. Relationship to You: For a child to qualify as your dependent, he or she needs to be your biological child, your stepchild, your adopted child, or a foster child you are taking care of.

    Other Mo Healthnet Programs

    When you apply for MO HealthNet, we will also check to see if you can get help through:

    • Spend Down: If you make too much money, you may still be able to get MO HealthNet coverage if you agree to pay, or spend down, a certain amount. Once you spend this amount, you will have MO HealthNet coverage for the month. For more information visit our frequently asked questions.
    • Ticket to Work: If you are disabled and make too much money to qualify for MO HealthNet, you can still get help with your healthcare costs if you agree to take part in this program. Learn more about Ticket to Work.
    • Home & Community Based Services: These services may be able to help you or a loved one stay at home and out of a nursing home by providing the in-home services you need.
    • MO HealthNet Nursing Home Coverage: If you live in a nursing home, we may be able to help pay for any nursing home costs you arent responsible for. You will be responsible for using all of your income towards costs except for a $50 monthly allowance, any health insurance premiums, and any income set aside for a spouse or other dependents.

    NOTE: There is no separate application process for these programs. You will automatically get more information if your MO HealthNet application shows you are eligible.

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    Discount Medical Plan Organization

    If negotiating your own self-pay discount scares you, you can work with a Discount Medical Plan Organization. These companies provide pre-negotiated discounts to their members for a monthly fee.

    This isnt true maternity insurance since youre paying the doctor and hospital yourself, but the discount has already been negotiated for you by the DMPO.

    Before you enroll, make sure your doctor and hospital participate, as many plans have a severely limited selection of participating healthcare providers. If you havent yet selected a doctor or hospital, however, you can limit your selections to providers who participate in the DMPO.

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    How Much Supplementary Health Or Dental Insurance Do You Need

    Wisconsin Medicaid, Health Insurance Marketplace Plans

    There are a wide variety of supplementary health and dental insurance plans, each with their own level of coverage, but the amount of health insurance you need is a highly personal decision. Only you can decide how much is right for you, but an insurance agent or company may be able to help you make those decisions. Visit the finding an insurance agent or company section of Working With an Insurance Agent or Company to find someone who can help you.

    Factors to consider when deciding how much coverage you need include:

    • How much can you afford to pay each month? Each year?
    • Supplementary Health and Dental Insurance | 101: Getting Started 4

    • Do you have any other supplementary health insurance through your employer, a parents group plan or a spouse/partner?
    • Do you require prescription drugs on an ongoing basis?
    • Are you willing to share a hospital room, or do you prefer a private room?
    • Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?
    • Do you receive medical services from professionals such as chiropractors or massage therapists?
    • Can you afford to pay out of pocket for ambulance fees?
    • Do you have a chronic illness that requires more extensive medical services than OHIP provides?
    • Do you have a pre-existing medical condition? Some supplementary health insurance plans do not cover this. Be sure to shop around to find an insurer who might.

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