How To Apply For Medicaid New Hampshire


Medicaid Expansion Was Initially Approved For 2 Years Then For 2 More Years Latest Extension Is For 5 Additional Years

Webinar: Containing Medicaid Costs: Moving Toward Medicaid Managed Care

Although lawmakers agreed to expand Medicaid under the ACA, they included a sunset provision that would terminate Medicaid expansion in the state as of the end of 2016 unless the legislature specifically approved funding beyond that point.

Then-Governor Maggie Hassan included proposed funding for continued Medicaid expansion in her fiscal year 2016-2017 budget, but in March 2015, New Hampshire lawmakers voted to remove extended Medicaid expansion funding from the budget.

Going into the 2016 legislative session, there was no provision to fund Medicaid expansion past the end of 2016. In March 2016, lawmakers in the New Hampshire House of Representatives passed HB1696, which extended Medicaid expansion through the end of 2018, but with more restrictions on the program .

The bill passed easily, but there was a 181-181 tie vote over an amendment to remove the language in the bill that would have ended Medicaid expansion in New Hampshire if CMS had not approved the new restrictions the state was proposing for PAP. House Speaker Shawn Jasper, a Republican who was originally opposed to Medicaid expansion but began to support it in 2015, cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of removing the all-or-nothing language in the bill. That meant Medicaid expansion would continue to be funded , regardless of whether the states new waiver was approved or rejected by CMS.

On March 31, 2016, the Senate also passed the bill, with a 16 8 vote, and Governor Hassan signed it on April 5.

Who Is Eligible For The New Hampshire Medical Program

New Hampshire Medicaid offers limited Medicare beneficiaries who are not eligible for the entire Medicaid benefit package partial financial help with Medicare premiums, copayments, or coinsurance through the Medicare Savings Plan.

  • Expectant mothers
  • People who are blind or disabled or who have a spouse who is blind or disabled
  • People whom someone adopts
  • People who are blind or disabled or have a spouse who is disabled.

Picking A Nh Medicaid Health Plan

New Hampshire residents have the ability to choose between Well Sense Health Plan and New Hampshire Healthy Families. Some people are required to select a health plan. If you receive notice that MCM is optional for you, you can select a plan or wait until one is chosen for you. If you receive notice that MCM is mandatory for you, you will be automatically placed into one of the two plans. Voluntary members can change Health Plans at any time, and mandatory members can change during the first 90 days and then during the individual Open Enrollment Period .*

If you have the option to choose your health plan, consider the following factors:

  • Do your current doctors work with the plan ?
  • Which benefits are most important to you?

*Be careful to not confuse the individual open enrollment period with the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period .

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How To Get New Hampshire Medicaid Benefits

We have scoured the internet to provide you with all you need to know about New Hampshire Medicaid Benefits.

Medicaid is a joint federal-state initiative that covers health insurance for low-income people who qualify, including children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities. It is simple to apply for Medicaid in person, over the phone, or online.

This post will teach you all you need to learn about Medicaid in New Hampshire.

  • Where do I find the letter showing the reason for denial or discontinuance from New Hampshire Medicaid?
  • How Do I Enroll In Medicaid In New Hampshire

    MS Application for Health Benefit ( Medicaid Chip Help Paying Costs for ...
    • You can also call 1-800-852-3345, extension 9700 and apply for Medicaid by phone.

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    Other Changes At The Federal Level

    Despite several attempts, thus far Congress has not passed a bill to revise the Affordable Care Act. However, Republicans still want to try to change Medicaid into a block grant program.

    Under a block grant program, each state would get a set amount of money for Medicaid from the federal government. Each state could decide how to spend that money, including who would be eligible for Medicaid benefits. This is different than the current system, which gives states only some flexibility to manage Medicaid, and matches state spending on Medicaid no matter what the final dollar amount is.

    A block grant would probably decrease federal Medicaid funding overall in New Hampshire. So far legislators have opposed drawing on any more New Hampshire tax dollars to fund Medicaid, so a federal block grant might mean the end of expanded Medicaid eligibility in the Granite State.

    New Hampshire was right to expand Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible.

    New Hampshire was wrong to expand Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible.

    Gubernatorial Leadership On Medicaid

    Former Governor Maggie Hassan was instrumental in expanding Medicaid in New Hampshire, and worked to ensure continued funding. But Hassan did not seek re-election to the governors office she ran instead for the U.S. Senate in 2016, challenging incumbent Kelly Ayotte, who opposed the ACA and Medicaid expansion. The Hassan-Ayotte race was tight, but Hassan won, assuming office in the Senate in January 2017.

    Republican Chris Sununu won the gubernatorial election in New Hampshire in 2016. Sununu had previously been uncommitted in terms of his views on Medicaid expansion, but after his win, Sununu said that he did not plan to eliminate Medicaid expansion in New Hampshire, but wanted to ensure that the program is a temporary solution while people work to obtain their own health insurance , rather than a permanent solution. And in early 2017, Sununu said that New Hampshire had seen great results from expanding Medicaid. Governor Sununu has since remained committed to keeping Medicaid expansion intact, but supported GOP lawmakers efforts to impose the work requirement that briefly took effect in 2019.

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    New Hampshire Medicaid Income Limits Summary

    We hope this post on New Hampshire Medicaid Income Limits was helpful to you.

    If you have any questions about Medicaid in the state of New Hampshire, you can ask us in the comments section below.

    Help us spread the word! If you found this post on New Hampshire Medicaid Income Limits helpful, help us spread the word by sharing it using the Share this button below.

    Be sure to check out our other articles about Medicaid.

    Learn About Medicaid In New Hampshire

    Medicaid Managed Care Contracting: Virtual Round Table

    Residents seeking health care coverage often wonder, What is Medicaid in New Hampshire and how can it help my situation? Medicaid is a health care program funded on a federal and state level, which provides low-cost health care options for millions of Americans in the United States. The Medicaid program in NH provides basic medical services and treatments to applicants who have earnings below a percentage of the federal poverty line. It is important for applicants to understand as much information about Medicaid as possible in order to make the application process simpler. Knowing the particulars of Medicaid in New Hampshire can alleviate any unnecessary surprises that can arise. For instance, understanding the Medicaid costs and coverages, including any out-of-pocket expenses that an applicant may incur, is important to preventing any financial roadblocks. Medicaid costs remain low for petitioners, since primarily federal and state provisions fund it. This also contributes to the types of services Medicaid offers as coverage too. Beyond the federally mandated Medicaid benefits, state funding can also contribute to the optional benefits that New Hampshire decides to cover.

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    How Many People Are On Medicaid

    According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, as of November 2020, here are the number of people enrolled in Medicaid and Chip in the entire United States:

    • 78,521,263 individuals were enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP
    • 72,204,587 individuals were enrolled in Medicaid
    • 6,695,834 individuals were enrolled in CHIP

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    New Hampshire Medicaid Expansion Update

    New Hampshire expanded Medicaid in the first half of 2014, with coverage effective August 15.

    In the first three months, 18,000 people out of a projected 50,000 who were eligible enrolled.

    New Hampshire delayed implementation of new Medicaid work requirement, and it has now been overturned by a federal judge.

    From 2016 through 2018, New Hampshire covered Medicaid expansion enrollees with private plans in the exchange .

    The State switched PAP enrollees to Medicaid managed care as of January 2019.

    At the time, there were about 40,000 PAP enrollees.

    In 2018, New Hampshire lawmakers extended Medicaid expansion through 2023.

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    New Hampshire Healthy Families

    The New Hampshire Healthy Families plan is a great option as well. Some of the biggest benefits of choosing this plan are:

    • The inclusion of some over-the-counter drugs
    • Health coaches for help with ongoing conditions like diabetes, asthma, etc.
    • Transportation to and from medical appointments or mileage reimbursement
    • CentAccount program earn money for performing healthy behaviors
    • Coupon-Saver program discounts on grocery and household items
    • Member Connections at-home outreach for your medical and social service needs
    • Vision credit towards glasses
    • Connections Plus free cell phones for those in need.
    • Start Smart for Your Baby pregnancy program

    Why Pick Well Sense Nh

    Income Guidelines For New Hampshire Medicaid

    Well Sense Health Plan works with over 2,000 doctors in New Hampshire. Well Sense also has accreditation from the National Committee for Quality Assurance in Massachusetts and New Hampshire and includes Boston Medical Center in their network. There are no monthly premiums and no deductibles

    Well Sense NH offers extra benefits for members including:

    • No-cost bike helmets and car seats/booster seats for infants and toddlers
    • No-cost dental kits
    • Up to $100 back if you join WeightWatchers
    • Up to $200 back if you join a qualifying health club

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    What Documents Do I Need To Apply For Medicaid

    The following documents are required:

    • The Social Security Number
    • Evidence of citizenship or authorized residency in the United States, such as a passport, drivers license, birth certificate, green card, or job authorization card
    • Evidence of all income sources, both legal and illegal
    • Proof of origins
    • Including the Medicare card, any insurance cards
    • Pregnancy
    • When non-parents apply for Medicaid on their behalf, they must provide proof of their financial position.

    Top Rated Assisted Living Communities By City

    For persons with limited financial resources, Medicaid pays for nursing home care. For those who wish to live at home or in assisted living, sometimes Medicaid will pay for care in those locations if it can be obtained at a lower cost than in a nursing home. It does this through Medicaid Waivers, which are also called Home and Community Based Services Waivers or Waiver Funded Services.

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    New Hampshire Consumer Assistance

    New Hampshireâs participation in the federal Consumer Assistance Program grant has completed, however, the New Hampshire Department of Insurance continues to provide assistance to consumers with health insurance questions or problems. You can contact them at 1-800-852-3416.

    The agencies listed below can help you take advantage of some of these protections and benefits and they can answer your questions about different types of coverage.

    If you need health insurance, be sure to check out HealthCare.govs Plan Finder. It will help you find and compare health care coverage options in your area.

    If you have questions about insurance you bought for yourself and/or your family or you have insurance provided by an employer who does business only in New Hampshire, contact:

    New Hampshire State Insurance Department21 South Fruit Street, Suite 14Concord, NH 03301

    Medicaid Work Requirement Was Delayed Until September 2019 But A Judge Overturned It Altogether New Hampshire Plans To Appeal The Ruling

    Maggie Hassan and Elena Hung on Disability Rights, American Jobs Plan, & More

    Because of Speaker Jaspers vote to continue the program regardless of whether the waiver modifications were supported by CMS, Medicaid expansion continued in New Hampshire in 2017 and 2018, despite the Obama Administrations refusal to allow the state to impose a work requirement.

    But with the Trump Administration assuming office in early 2017, GOP lawmakers in New Hampshire passed a budget measure requiring the state to seek a work requirement for Medicaid by April 2018, or else Medicaid expansion would expire at the end of 2018. The state submitted a work requirement waiver amendment to CMS in October 2017, which was approved by CMS in May 2018.

    Later in 2018, CMS revised the work requirement approval, making them tougher on enrollees. Under the new rules, extra hours cannot be carried forward to meet a future months work requirement. However, an enrollee whose prior month hours were deficient can make those hours up during the current month. CMS clarifies, however, that an enrollee cannot be perpetually behind and making up hours during each month of a year.

    But then in July 2019, Federal Judge James A. Boasberg overturned New Hampshires Medicaid work requirement. The state is appealing the ruling, but the Medicaid work requirement is in limbo for the time being, and cannot be implemented unless the state wins its appeal.

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    New Hampshire Medicaid Eligibility Information

    There are many paths to Medicaid eligibility. Medicaid eligibility can depend on factors such asyour household size, household income, household assets, you age, and whether you have a disability. If you’reunder 65 and don’t have a disability, you’re eligibility will likely be based on your income only .If you’re over65 or have a disability, you’re likely eligible for Medicare. If eligible for Medicare,there are alternate pathways to Medicaid eligibility which typically include asset tests. Additionally,the way that your income is calculated for these programs is more complicated, meaning that yourincome could be above the income limits and you’d still be eligible.For a more personalized estimate, you canuse our Medicaid eligibility calculator.Please note that there may be otherhealth insurance assistance programs offered by your state not listed here,and there may be other eligibilityrequirements for these programs that are not listed here. Additionally, the way that household incomeand household size are calculated can differ from a household’stotal pre-tax income and the number of people on the tax return.

    This website is not affiliated with any government organization or Medicaid,CHIP, or health insurance program.

    Have Medicaid Pick Well Sense

    Once approved for NH Medicaid, you can pick Well Sense by either:

  • Completing an online form or
  • Returning the form that you received in your enrollment package from the state
  • If you have Medicaid, you should have received an enrollment package from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. Didnt receive your enrollment package? Call 1-888-901-4999 or go to NH Easy.

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    New Hampshire Medicaid Enrollment Numbers

    As of September 2021, there are 226,938 people enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP in New Hampshire. This is a 74% increase in enrollment since late 2013, when many states started accepting Medicaid expansion.

    From October 1, 2013 until mid-April 2014, 7,235 exchange applicants in New Hampshire enrolled in the states pre-expansion Medicaid program. And from the fall of 2013 to June 2014, total Medicaid enrollment in New Hampshire increased by more than 10,000 people. These individuals were already eligible for Medicaid based on the previous guidelines, but didnt enroll until 2014.

    Based on the expanded eligibility criteria, New Hampshire officials estimated that about 50,000 people would be newly eligible for Medicaid coverage. From the fall of 2013 to December 2018, total enrollment in Medicaid/CHIP in New Hampshire increased by 53,242 people a 42% increase. Not all of the new enrollees were newly eligible, but theres no doubt that Medicaid expansion significantly increased the Medicaid-covered population in the state.

    And that, in turn, had a significant impact on the uninsured rate. In 2013, 10.7% of the population was uninsured, according to U.S. Census data. That had fallen to 5.8% by 2017 more than a 45% decrease.

    Expansion Under The Affordable Care Act

    Medicaid Application

    The Affordable Care Act provided for the expansion of Medicaid to cover childless adults whose income is 138 percent of the federal poverty level or below. The provision for expanding Medicaid went into effect nationwide in 2014. As of November 2018, a total of 36 states and Washington, D.C., had expanded or voted to expand Medicaid.

    New Hampshire expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act in 2014 via an alternative system of assisting enrollees with purchasing private insurance. Former GovernorMaggie Hassan supported Medicaid expansion, calling it a âpositive step forwardâ in her 2014 State of the State address. Governor Chris Sununu said in a February 2017 interview, âThereâs no doubt itâs been helpful. ⦠It was a price tag of somewhere between $400 and $500 million. Weâve been able to do it to date without a single New Hampshire taxpayer dollar.â


    Arguing in support of the expansion of Medicaid eligibility in an April 2013 article, the Center for American Progress states that the expansion helps increase the number of people with health insurance and benefits states economically. The organization argues that by providing health insurance to those who would otherwise be uninsured, Medicaid expansion allows low-income families to spend more money on food and housing:


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